There’s a Condom for every penis with a range of sizes to choose from. So you’re asking what the best Condom for a small size is? We’ll tell you, but before you go out and buy some small condoms, it’s a good idea to measure your penis to establish the correct size.
It’s a common phenomenon that some think they have a small penis when they are an average size, and on the other side of the coin, you have those who think they are significantly sized when in fact, they are average also.
By measuring your penis and using the condom calculator, you can find a very well-fitting Condom for you.
Now, if you are small with a Penis length of 100-110mm, these Condoms should work for you.
- EXS Snug Fit – 3mm narrower than average condoms and vegan friendly
- Pasante Trim – 49mm width provides a snugger than usual fit
- My.Size – Available in widths of 45, 47 49mm and more so you can match to your exact circumference
- Loovara Eagle – Vegan friendly with a width of 45-47mm for a snug fit on a small penis