Extra Safe Condoms are slightly thicker than regular condoms making them stronger, so they are less likely to split or slip off. Also, some have higher than standard lubricant levels.
Although some report loss of sensation with safe Condom varieties Sometimes they can lead to delayed ejaculation so extended sex sessions, thanks to the thicker walls.
Adore Extra Sure and Amor Strong are the thinnest Extra Safe Condoms with thicknesses of 0.07 mm the Amor version is a regular size of 185 x 52 mm while the Adore Condom is larger at 190 x 0.07 mm
Durex and EXS Extra safe Condoms are slightly tougher with thicknesses of 0.08; both are large Condoms the Durex measures 205 x 53 0.08 mm while the EXS is shorter and very wide with measurements of 192 x 56 x 0.08 mm.
For the ultimate in strength and protection are the Passante Extra Safe and the Billy Boy Protection both are 0.10 mm thick. The Billy Boy Condom measures 175 x 52 mm and the Pasante Condom measures 180 x 54 mm.